Okay - FIRST OF ALL - let me say we had to evacuate yesterday due to a wildfire....CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY...so I am nt exceedingly sure where some of mt stuff is at the moment (like my camera). Now...on to my problem...
I made a batch of "nearly the real deal" castile soap Friday....mostly olive oil, a little coconut oil, and of course my ever present goat milk. FOR SURE I achieved partial gel, and then promptly chickened out and stuck in the fridge, returning 2 days later to cut it after unmolding it.
AT FIRST I had what I assumed where power circles - I had mentioned and asked about them in a post, so I figured I had jinxed myself into having them AGAIN right? No big deal...but now I look at them and in a white bar of soap (pretty white at least) I have what look like orange rings in my power circles...not spots per se, like a splotchy spotty spots kinda thing, but for sure rings....I hope i can find the camera...you gotta see it, it's a trip!
So...would those be the evil DOS I hear of? Or is it a power circles thing that will cure out? If they are DOS can I rebatch it to get rid of them? I was thinking I wouldn't mind that, since I have this little tiny sample bottle of moonlight pomegranate and all...and it says it's not easy to work with in CP soaps....would rebatching and using it then be better and easier? I like how it smells "OOB" (is that right, out of bottle I believe?) so I wouldn't mind smelling it in some soap
Anyways - hears hoping I find the camera so I can get a pic...but just from the description what are ya'll thinking?