hello. I actually tried a batch of soap a while back using a can of evaporated goat's milk from the store. I just diluted the GM according to directions and then froze it in cubes and then slowly added the lye. Everything went very well in the soapmaking process but I can tell you that even though the soap came out okay, I like the soaps with regular goats milk much better. The evaporated GM just does not 'feel' right to me when using the soap. I dont know why exactly, but I dont plan to continue using the canned evaporated milk. Others may like the evaporated milk soaps just fine, but for me it is definetely worth it to get regular goats milk. Also, here in my area the local wal-marts have started selling goats milk, so you may want to check wal mart. I plan to get mine from one of the local farmers but so far am just buying it at the store.