Here's a new entry in my Hall of Shame.
I'm doing some experiments to get to know oils better, this time I used a mix of OO (30%), CO (25%), Avocado Oil (15%) and Red Palm Oil (30%): I love the color the Red Palm gave it, but after a 5 weeks cure the inner part of my soap is still soft, as if it was still gelling. And it's heavily sweet, like it had loads of sugar in it (this was unexpected to me).
Should I have considered Red Palm Oil as a butter, opting for a lower percentage? And should I have put the soap in the fridge after pouring, as if it was a milk soap?
I also noticed infamous white spots that zap (you'll see one in the picture, at the soap base) so I'm not gonna use it anyway
Do you think that I could leave it to cure some more time, grate it and then use it to do the laundry or its yellow color will stain it?