Okay, I thought about it. You could be interested where Ukraine situated is.
It is Eastern Europe. And our borders are close to Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Moldova, Belarus and Slovakia. And oh! This year we were host for football championship of Euro 2004. We have the Black Sea in the South and Azov Sea in the East. So, I can buy sea salt for a VERY good prices. And in Crimea where the Black Sea is there are fields of lavander. In the western Ukraine there are Carpathians Mountains and it's a nice play to go skiing or snowboarding in winter. Though, I never did.
I love to make soap. I started of making M&P soaps and was so anxious to try CP but was so scared of it! Now, I feel like I have totally switched to CP and can't get back to MP. Just can't make myself do this. It just doesn't seem interesting anymore. CP addict
Also I am a musician. I've been doing music for 16 years already. Damn, that's a lot
I play piano and I sing, and I write music.. I used to play guitar also but then I got nails extensions.. uhm.. Except soapmaking I am working on my musical career right now. Though, have no idea where would it take me
I have a family of my BF and my mom and my chocolate lab Qusha, which I am sure you would fall in love with. And I love orchids. Huge orchids fan! I've got 5 different phalenopsis now and waiting for 1 Vanda and for 7 more phalinopsises from Thailand.
I've got facebook page, which is mostly belongs to my soap )
And I've got soap blog at Blogger and a store on Etsy (though haven't had a sale yet).
I am not sure about links policy in this forum, so I postpone those until furthr notice. )
Now it is too much info. Sorry.