Hi all. Long time no see.
I have started eating a high raw diet lately (copious amounts of raw fruits and veggies) as well as green smoothies. I have been trying to no avail to find a fruit/veggie wash or soap. Then I said, self, you make soap, duh!
So I'd like to do this, however I'm so used to making something for SKIN, (conditioning, yadda yadda) that I'm kind of at a loss as to what oils to use for a veggie wash. Obviously it would be clean rinsing and have no flavoring/smell. I considered a castile soap but if possible would like to use cheaper oils. In a perfect world it could even clean off that ever loving wax they put on everything!
Any ideas? BTW I want to make this in a bar form.
Thanks all! You can even steal my idea and make your own and sell it at your shops. I think something like this, done right, could sell decently.
_________________ ween rules