Hello, my name is Jessica. I was unsure if this should go in the newbie forum or Cold Process. Considering it is a cold process topic, I put my money on this subforum. Nice to meet you!
Two nights ago, I tried making my first batch of soap. I got Anne Watson's Smart Soapmaking book from Amazon, all of my utensils and ingredients, and had a blast up until I was ready to pour the soap into the mold. I did two things wrong: I added essential oil on my own accord and I let the temperature drop too much. The soap had thickened nicely in the bottom of my pot before I could get it into the mold. When I tried pouring into the mold, it glopped together and fell apart with the consistency of flan, and my final product reminds me of chopped and abused lasagna noodles. I have attached a picture.
Is this worth rebatching? Since it was my first go, am I even competent enough to rebatch? Opinions/feedback GREATLY appreciated!