Two batches. Yayyy! If this fo was a man and I wasn't married, I'd be chasing him all over town.
It's a keeper. My house smells wonderful. As usual, I got a fast trace, fast gel, so they're in the fridge cooling down. DH and I love this scent.
Thank you everyone who recommended it. You have excellent taste.
Also made pink cranberry with red colorant and a touch of black colorant per Soapbuddy's suggestion. No TD. It morphed orange when it gelled, but has since turned back to pink. It went in the fridge as soon as it had gelled to the sides of the mold. Thanks magic_hands for that tip. It's been out on the table under a fan all day and it's still pink. I hope it stays pink when it cures. I'm growing fond of pink.
I'll be a little bolder with the colorant next time, ( I didn't use very much) and I've ordered some sodium lactate so I can try soapmaking the soapbuddy way.
It's great to have time to soap again! Withdrawal was setting in.