Soapbuddy is very knowledgable so I would certainly trust her info. (I'm still a newbie)
I did want to add to this topic though because I have made some coconut milk soap with the freezing method you mentioned. I got the idea from Anne Watson's Milk soapmaking book. I had some concerns while doing it, but the bars I made came out great in the end. I froze the coconut milk and then let it thaw just slightly into a kinda hard slushy. I very slowly added the lye to the coconut milk. I was doing this on my back porch in the middle of winter so maybe that helped keep it cool (?) lol. The mixture did turn slightly yellowish and it became a weird almost marshmallow like consistency which kinda freaked me out at first. Everything went fine when I added it to the oils. I added pink clay to my recipe and turned it a a pretty pink color so I cannot vouch for what color this may have turned the soap otherwise.
I just felt like sharing my experience with coconut milk to add to the convo. I would imagine that soapbuddy's method may be easier and better though. Like soapbuddy mentioned...I didnt let my soap gel. just wanted to share