Hello. I guess I'm just curious what other people out there think about this..
I recently bought a Blooming Tulips FO that according to the seller was a breeze to CP soap with and supposedly had rave reviews. Well, a while back I tried some of it in a GM soap and it went terribly wrong and curdled the soap immediately. Well since I'm still somewhat new to soap I thought maybe it was just because of it being a GM soap with a floral FO. So, I wanted to try it again in one of my tried and true shea butter veggie oil recipes. I have never had any problems with either of these recipes, and sure enough with this second attempt, the soap curdled up with small white lumps immediately after adding the FO. As soon as it hit the soap it turned ugly and lumpy.
So, I know that I'm not going to give this horrible FO any more tries. It has already costs me two batches of soap. After the first bad experience I sent a polite email to the seller and simply asked about the FO. I was basically blown off which bothered me considering that I have spent several hundred dollars at this store. I'm not sure if I should bother contacting the seller again or not. If nothing else I just want people to be aware that it may be a tricky FO to use.
Any thoughts on this? Should I expect anything at all from the seller? Is it safe to use the soap as is with the whitish lumps?
I appreciate all of your input. Thank you