Another point of view, possibly overlooked. Yes, both Activated Charcoal or Black Oxide can be used for coloring.But htere is a difference, arguably a lot.
Black Oxide is a coloring only ingredient. Activated Charcoal as an additive that can provide many different results in soaps and cosmetic products. Along with coloring there are claims to some exfoliating qualities to be the primary use. Many knowledgeable users prefer to keep the purposes separate (not necessarly the use) in soaps. In some (bar) soaps I use both. Each for a specific purpose.
Just the right amount of Activated Charcoal for a medium to strong exfoliating bar. I also add a bit of Black Oxide to get that rich, dark deep black. (and "shine") that is difficult to achieve with Activated Charcoal only. Using Activated Charcoal only tends to provide a matt-black finish. I tend to like the matt or flat black in some soaps for color effect only.
Another thing to consider is using all Activated Charcoal to get that very dark black may be too aggressive for many (of my) customers skin. Other bars, just Black Oxide for coloring and not cosmetic effects are desired. Not too much as it can stain.
Yet, all Activated Charcoal used as the only coloring in a swirl could be made very rich and dark for, the swirl. The total amount of Activated Charcoal in the whole bar would a very low percentage and most likely not too aggressive for most skin types.
May the suds be with you