Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted!
Well my soap business is off with a little over 50 orders, and I recently started shipping to Australia, Canada, Germany, Mexico & the UK!
got an order from Australia and one just left for the UK! But I'm running into a bit of trouble with my lack of international experience.
I've been trying to find bath & body shops and see if they have issues with any one country. So far I know I can't ship to Italy and Turkey and forget any country with import license issues or not so good terms with the US.
Has anyone shipped to Austria, Denmark, Finladn, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland etc? While USPS didn't explicitly say no I don't want to ship to a country that has issues and problems with customs. I only ship via USPS if that helps.
Thanks guys for all the past and present help
The Black Currant- Shipping within the US!
My shop: The Black Currant on Etsy!
My blog:
http://www.theblackcurrantshop.wordpress.comAlso on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube!