Hi all,happy 2015 to you

. My first issue for the year! I made a batch of soap yesterday using a BB fragrance called peach. Haven't used it before, no problems listed online. And it may not be the fragrance, but......I made a simple ITM design, colouring the majority of the batter white with TD. Almost at the end of pouring, the white mix began to separate - it's the only way I can describe it. It happened as I outed so it was too late to remix. The white portion took a while to come to trace, while the other two colours thickened straight away, which was odd. Could it be the TD? I use it a lot, and have started mixing it with water instead if oil which seems to stop a lot of the crackling. That, and I've been putting my soaps in the fridge because it's pretty damn hot in my part of the world at the moment. Have been doing this (mixing with water and preventing gell) for months with no problems. Because this one looked strange I did insulate it though.
Just took it out of the mould and the top 1/2 inch or so, the last bit poured, looks odd as it did while I was pouring. The rest of the soap looks fine. Any ideas?