Hey guys!!! I'm having some trouble here...I started making bath bombs about a month ago, This was prompted by my hubby giving me a gift certificate to a BIG Co., and my creative mind thought, "Why can't I make these myself?" So now, a month later, I've made successful bombs (although I'd like them to float, some anyway) Successful bubble bars (but the colors are bleeding onto the wax paper as they dry, 2nd batch, first ones didnt do that) and my bath melts were BEAUTIFUL refrigerated...only to find, when I left them out overnight, they softened....not sure what needs to go where to help with these problems...I'm set on making all 3 products, as I LOVE a bath cocktail, and it's something my soon to be customers like as well...thanks ladies, I'm LOST, and it's driving me NUTS!!!! lol