Coming back to follow up. I loved the Oakmoss and Amber!! It didn't accelerate or discolor for me, and everyone who's smelled it and tried the finished CP soap thought the bars were wonderful. I used the Fresh Coffee fo in a coffee soap with strong coffee as the liquid and grounds for exfoliant. The results are wonderful - it's my new fave kitchen bar. I did a blended batch last week -- I put the peppermint bark into uncolored batter and chocolate fudge into a deep merlot colored portion of the batter and did an ITP swirl with gold on top. Turned out quite nicely so far anyway. I hope the scents stick! I'm not crazy about the Pine Cones scent on its own, so I mixed it with some leftover Oakmoss and Amber, and that was a very nice woodsy scent! That's as far as I've gotten through my 1-oz 99-cent order