Hi, all ... need to pick your brains. I've seen references on various soap sites about spritzing with rubbing alcohol 'or witch hazel'. Can anyone tell me if either of these two work better than the other? Reason I ask is because the only way I can get rubbing alcohol is to buy it off the web (here in the UK), and that's tedious and expensive, and being a bear of very little brain I never notice that I'm running out until I'm down to the last spritz. Witch Hazel, though, is available in big bottles from the local chemist, so if that works the same way I'd love to know, please. It would be an expensive and miserable thing to find out after the event (wish I had a few pounds for each soap that's separated as soon as it hit the bath!) ... and I also like the fact that WH is natural, not chemical.
So please help! It's been a bad evening: knocked a brown pigment bottle and a chocolate FO all over the table, then dropped the FO top into the soap ... I've now got brown hands and smell of chocolate.