I'm sure some others on here can recommend some good ones.
I started with Susan Miller Cavitch's "The Natural Soap Book" which I borrowed from a friend. I know some people really like "The Soapmaker's companion" by the same author. However I've heard that some of her recipes have errors in the print and should be checked before using them. You should always run your recipe through a soap calculator first anyway (lots of free ones online). The only problem I had was that the recipe I tried from the book used 8 pounds of oils which is much too much for a first batch. A 1 pound batch is plenty to begin with and far less expensive. I just didn't know any better at the time.
The main thing is to read as much as you can about the process of soap making until you feel you understand it. It's not that complicated though you will find that not everyone agrees on everything. But why should soapmaking be any different than anything else in life? Just don't let it scare you. We all know you can do it.
Learn about the ingredients and equipment you will need and where you can get it cheap or for free. Most importantly be sure you understand the safety precautions you need to take, especially if you have kids or pets in the house. There are some videos on Youtube and LOTS of information on this and other soap making forums. Search the forums and ask questions until you feel prepared to give it a shot.
Finally, decide what you want to try (Cold Process or Hot Process?, what types of additives or scents interest you? etc). Build or copy a recipe and then jump in and make it!! Then be prepared to become addicted. It's probably already too late to avoid it.