Is it spots? Is it a Volcano? NOooo, today it's... PlayDoh!! Doh! Doh! Doh! (like an echo... see what I did there?)
The gremlins were having a big part yesterday. After the first volcano, the second (same recipe) gelling IN the freezer, then the third batch for the day attempted to sieze on me. Little did it know I have an arm of mighty strength coupled with spatula of doooooom!
Looks like Playdoh!!
Wanting to use up the last of my Palm oil here, I went back to an old recipe and picked out a new scent (Tropical Blast by Nature's Garden). I divided the mixture into 3 molds for the 3 colours, only this time instead of a 4th container to mix the scent in - mix it back - then divide, I just added the scent in equal parts to the 3 coloured pots before putting in my mixture.
So pot + Colour + Scent waiting for batter. Bow Booooow! Big mistake. As soon as I tipped the batter in, it started to rice. I wielded my trusty stick blender (I have new containers so my stick blender can fit in) and wizzed the ricing away. *evil laugh here*
The gremlins, foiled in their attempt to create a sandpaper looking riced batch, cracked it big time and went straight for 'solid mass'. I had hoped for a spoon swirl, but it ended up being more like a jackhammer swirl. Getting the batter out of the pots was like trying to pull playdoh out. Not easy! Sometimes I would try and scoop up some batter only to have it hang on to the bottom for dear life!
When I say I 'thwaped' it in, that's exactly how you would imagine in. Thwwwaaaa-WAP! Little (ok big) flick of the wrist to get it off the spatula.
By the time I got to the top of the mold, it was like trying to spread half dried clag. Torn between letting go of the spatula or clinging to it, it was not pretty. Frustrating. But certainly not pretty.
The GOOD news however, is that not only did it practically fall out of it's mold (yay for not being tacky), it cut up beautifully!! I'm going to let it sit for a bit to see what happens. I'm too scared to lick it in case there's a gremlin hidden in there somewhere just waiting to bite my tongue off!!!