Hello all I 've been having problems with my last batches of soap, they are over heating when trying to go to gel stage and I end up rebatching them because of the pockets of oil all over, the first time it happend to a batch that had coconut milk in it, and I soaped too high may be at 125, I had to rebatch it and I saved it, so I decided that the next batch will soap at 110, well that's what I did last night, 110 degrees but this time wasn't coconut milk, it was beer and I added two tsps of honey to the oils, I poured at light trace and the temperature didn't feel too hot, I just covered my wooden mold with a towel and it was barely warm, then I added a few more towels and in 15 minutes I could see the gel in the center but also liquid oil, it separated, so I took it out of the mold and started stirring it, it was looking like hot process, I put it back in the mold, covered it with the towels again and left it like that overnight, this morning I unmolded it and cut it, it is soft but It looks like it is going to be okay, does any body have any ideas or advice, I like to gel because I don't get as much ash, (some times I get none) and when I don't gel is for sure that I will get bad ash, should I leave the mold with out insulation, I was affraid that the soap wouldn't gel all the way and have the round marks of partial gel, so the only reason that I gel is because of the ash situation, I have tried spraying the alcohol on top but it doesn't work for me, so any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you