I rebatched a soap i made with too much castor and oats which accelerated very fast and crumbled when i tried to cut it. I put it in the crock pot with some milk and it turned into this nice consistency. i whipped it and put it in the 10" silicone mold loaf and its been 3 days and its hardened a bit but im not sure if i shouldve stuck it in the mold. I think i may have used too much milk as well. Ive never rebatched before and i really dont want to throw out all this product. I was going for a man soap/shave bar but apparently failed!
Any tips or advice anyone can give me would be great. I also rebatched another soap and added a bit of milk and stuck it in the mold and that wasnt whipped but its not hardening either, i added a bit more oils as well to this second rebatch. im afraid im doing something wrong. theyre not lye heavy and now im afraid theyre more like lotions then soap and i may need to add mroe lye or something... idk.. someone help!?
thanks for your time!!