Yup I had a horrible soaping experience last night. Everything that could go wrong did. First I stupidly poured my orange EO in a plastic solo cup to mix it with Lemongrass and some cornstarch, well who knew that EO eats the white coating on the inside of the cups?

Then I measured out the wrong amount of oil on two of my oils in the same bowl so I had to adjust the rest of the oils to make up for it. Then I used tap water instead of the distilled that was sitting right next to the scale on the counter. Then I poured the soap into the mold thinking I made a 3# batch...nope only made 2# so I had to scrape the batter out into a Pringles can and then a tupperware container. Then I put the Pringles can in the oven that I had turned on to 170 but turned off prior to putting the soap in and about an hour later I looked at it and the soap had volcanoed. Yup it was a great soaping night for me!