I was so excited when I found wooden wicks on the Unity Wooden Wicks site and made my first wooden wick candle! I used 16 oz palm wax in a thick rounded-square glass container with BB Bay Rum FO and some gold coloring. It turned out beautifully! Frosty crystallized golden wax, nice bay rum fragrance, and after about 2 days I trimmed and lit it for the first time and Wow! Listen to that crackle! Gosh, its sure is crackly. And loud. And that flame sure is big. I ordered multiple sizes of the wicks, and this one seemed to be appropriate for the size of the container I was using, but it was the largest size. Guess next time I will go down a notch or two LOLOL
But it had a nice burn pool and great throw, and by golly it was like sitting next to a crackly fireplace. A HUGE one!