So I found this
"What is meant by double and triple scenting a candle?
The industry standard is considered 0.5 ounce of fragrance per pound of wax. For double-scenting, you would use 1 ounce of fragrance per pound of wax. For triple-scenting your candles you can use 1.5 ounces of fragrance per pound of wax. Make sure to confirm the wax you are using will hold that much fragrance. Some waxes are not designed to hold more than 1 ounce of fragrance per pound."
on my candle supplier's site ... ce-oils/#9So my question is, if I am doing 5-6% fragrance loading (as stated on the wax's packaging that it can hold 5-6%), which I think works out to around 1oz per pound, is that more than stores do? What does it mean by "the industry standard"? Does that mean I can/should be advertising my candles as double scented?