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It's not that CP soap takes 4-6 weeks to make, it just needs to cure and age, like a fine wine. Where as MP is technically already made, but then you get to add things to make it yours.
It's really hard to compare CP soap & MP soap. If you're really into wanting to get to decide what goes into your soaps, then CP may be for you. If you're impatient & want your soap now and you'll explode if you have to wait, then MP is probably better for you. If you want to do soaps using molds that have a lot of details, then MP may be better for you.
As far as the molds go, there are tons of businesses that sell great soap molds. Starting with Brambleberry
http://www.brambleberry.com , Milky Way Molds
htp://www.milkywaymoldscom & Flexible Molds
http://www.flexiblemolds.com are just a few of thousands out there.