Here's my story. I had a nice plan to make a wine soap. I mixed my wine and lye and then mixed my oils together. Earlier in the day I had read online that some people chose to add fragrance oil to oils before adding the of course I wanted to try it and did. I added my lye mixture to the oils and within seconds had a big glob in the middle of my oils and so as I panicked, I mixed like crazy and it was still so thick but at least it was stirrable. I decided to make this a hot process soap while stirring and so I dumped it in a crock pot and cooked it. I tested it before spooning it into the mold and it came out fine. I added a gold sparkle mica to the top and left it overnight. I went to cut the bars and noticed what I believe are lye pockets. Having never did a zap test, I experienced it this morning. That was eventful. Do I need to ditch this batch or can I shred it and cook again. I would hate to throw away four pounds of soap. My recipe was 33% coconut oil, 33% Palm, 34% olive oil. I used 11oz of red wine, 6.5oz sod hydroxide. I used dark red Brazilian clay mixed with glycerin and the fragrance was BB black raspberry vanilla. I also sprinkled gold mica on top. Please help. Can this be saved?