Hi Nancy326,
There are many things to consider when trying to set up your website. Most free ones will not produce much traffic. Others charge fees for everything you sell. Here are some things to consider.
1-Do you want to sell product directly on the site or do you want to just tell people about your product? 2-Do you want to collect payment directly on site? 3-What payments do you want to accept? 4-Do you want the cart to figure your shipping for you? 5-Do you want you site to be personal to you and your business our look like 1000 others from same template? 6-Do you want the site to be able to grow with your business?
The list goes on. Please consider what you want the end product to be before you start. I have seen people jump into building a site to find it is not working as they hoped and then are unable to move it because they are locked in, or they don't actually own the domain name for their business. GoDaddy would not be my choice for web hosting.