So welcome Pam, me I'm PA Mella that's a nick name!
You have come to the right spot for all things M&P!
Do you have a thermometer? That sometimes helps give you a guide when to add and when to pour. Usually when you need to reheat, depending on the amount of product of course, it usually just takes a few seconds to re-liquefy your leftovers. From my experience it hasn't affected the fragrance, maybe even enhanced it a bit. \
As for color I do that first, and in small amounts and build up.
To suspend additives such as ground abrasives I sprinkle them in between layers a light bit of them. You can however incorporate them thru out your soap but then the colors get disturbed.
Really ask all your questions here, someone will have a guide for you. What I have learned here and elsewhere is that experimentation and keeping good notes is part of all solutions!
Have fun soaping, we sure are, and you are welcome to jump in the pool with us