Ultimatley it's your choice what you choose to do - if you are interested in making CP, go for it. You may love it even more, you may not like it at all. I was interested but with hubs bad reactions to it and the use of caustic soda, I decided not to go with it. I look to people like Soapylove who have a big business based on glycerine soap and who has specifically chosen to stick with that medium.
I also love that glycerine soap takes on fragrances so well, is so kind to your skin, allows for some additional oils or butters, clays and, what I might love the most, takes on the use of mica sooooooooo well... you can get such amazing effects and colours using mica.
For me it's the best type, for others it's not... just like some love vanilla, some don't. You won't please all the people all of the time ... nothing is right and nothing is wrong and, ultimately, don't forget that it's only soap, not rocket science
(or, as my hubs says, not brain surgery and you ain't gonna kill anyone with it one way or the other!!!).