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Teach Soap • View topic - Soap Parties?

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 Post subject: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:32 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:05 am
Posts: 172
I am new to this making soap and candles-I do bath products too, and want to gear up and make larger gift baskets targeting the mjr holidays. But so far I have only been buying what I need at the time, (killing me in shipping, but at least it's getting my name out there). I hope to be able a large amount into the business next month and stock up on everything. I want to know what mediums of sales seem to work best for you. Craft fairs? Etsy? Your own website? I think I am going to continue promoting on my blog and Facebook, and taking orders via Email till I can get a regular website up. But then I would like to start doing some Craft Fairs-how do you find out what is in your area? Most of them seem to be limited access unless you know someone who knows someone....who can give you all the details. Or perhaps it is just no one (city's websites) has their calendars up in my area for 2010 yet.

My issue is that I have had quite a few people ask me if I do parties, and if not that I should. My response was "What, like tupperware parties?". I hadn't really thought about that, but apparently there is an interest there. You know, people bring a dish, play some games, I get to show off my products and everybody buys a little something. Fun, and gets my name out-Good idea right? I know!

Then it occurs to me. What on EARTH would I do at a party like that? Do I just have all my stuff out and pass scented items around? Pass out brochures and order forms? I just am at a loss lol.

 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:01 am 
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Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:48 pm
Posts: 1838
Well if you google "soap parties" you will be surprised of the variety from housewives, children businesses. Everyone is doing it! Sound like tupperware, amway or other home parties I can think of but aren't appropriate for public consumption.


~bytheSEAsoap~ Mella bythesea, bythesea, bythebeautiful sea


 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:36 am 
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Joined: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:29 pm
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Location: Western Arkansas
I've had parties suggested to me also, but just not so sure I'd do it. I've also heard of a lot of "hostesses" that give them, just invite a couple of people, just to get the free hostess gifts - and nothing is purchased. I think if one was to organize such a thing, they would need to really think out their rules first. I suspect that they would be more trouble than they are worth, for me anyway.

I'm in the same place you are regarding craft fairs. I would like to do more, but have a hard time finding them. Usually I see a sign when it's too late to sign up. Also, there are a lot of expenses involved in doing this. Costs plus expected profits is a big consideration. The BB website has some excellent guidelines for what to expect. You have to sell A LOT of soap, just to cover your cost.

My website is working well for me, since I got a shopping cart. I also don't just sit on my hands and wait. I send out email "blasts" that draws people to the site.

Barbara at Oasis Soap Co.

 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:41 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:13 am
Posts: 9
Hi, I am new to the forum and hope you don't mind my opinion. I have been a candlemaker for about 10 years now. In the last year I have started doing B&B. Like cp soap, m&p soap, lotions, lip glosses. Last Spring I started my own home party co. It is called Southern Charm Candles & Gifts. Anyways. I am still a newbie to the home party scene but I do have some experience. First of all In all the parties I have given noone has held the party with no sales just to get the hostess gift. I can not imagine the hostess gift being of such value they would go through all of the trouble. I have had parties that only had 3 people at them and still sold $100 worth. I also bring several hostess gifts and scope to see how many people show up. Not too many little gift.....You have to play it by ear. Anyhoot. I enjoy them more than craft shows. All the lugging, could be raining, you pay upfront, sometimes lots of money. the crowd that goes to craft fairs have many vendors to choose from and my not buy anything. At a home party they know they are going to buy, and help a friend get free goodies. Usually everybody buys something. My costs are all geared around my products. So if only 3 people show up I will give the hostess a 7 oz jj. what did that cost me, not much. I do not bring too many low priced items. I want them to buy bigger. So votives are out...... The only low priced item is $1.50.... the rest is $4.00 and up. Everything I bring is cash & carry, though I will take special orders. I will deliver the special orders to the hostess. And special orders are paid in full. Well I am babbling on if you have any further questions I can assist you with, will surely be happy to help. thanks

 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:33 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:05 am
Posts: 172
Hi Gracie!
Thanks for your input. I really am glad to hear you have had success with it -I think I could too! I am kind of shy, but once you get me talking or if I know you (or am excited about something, I can talk all night!) What do you do as far as showing up, setting up, like do you just go through and talk about each of your products? How do you pass the time and how long do you usually stay I guess is what I am asking. Thanks alot!

 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:11 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:13 am
Posts: 9
One week prior to my party I call the hostess to confirm the party and quess how many guests she will have. If they hold their party on the original date they get a free gift, something small. I arrive at all parties one hour in advance. I bring a 5 foot folding table unless the hostess has a table I can use. Less lugging in. Based on how many people she believes will attend is how many items I bring. I always bring a couple of my most popular scents and one of everything else. I don't always put everything on the tables, just leave in box. I always begin by thanking the hostess. Then a very brief presentation. Maybe 10-15 minutes. I only highlight each item. While I am talking they are playing a game. It is a bingo with my items on the sheet. Whoever gets bingo wins a prize. I also have a gift bag with several small items they can choose from, samples of soap, votives, wax melts, small lotion samples. This way I do not spend time giving the gift and they get to choose what they want. Very rarely do parties start on time. When I am doing talking I let everyone know where I will be, not far so I answer questions. I give out a small clipboard at the begining of the party, it has everything they need, brochure, pen, index card for games and door prize. I do not accept the door prize slips until they bring me their order for 2 reasons, I can now call them by name and they have to purchase something to bring it to me. Now on occasion someone will give me a door prize slip without an order, I usually just put it in anyways thats your deceision. Hope this helps, please any more questions feel free to ask.....Good luck

 Post subject: Re: Soap Parties?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:12 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:13 am
Posts: 9
Oh I forgot. After my presentation I do play another game. Also the average party lasts about 2 hours.

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