Still a beginner, but learning fast thanks to great info here, videos and blogs... a couple of questions I haven't found and maybe someone can point me in the right direction?
Are there "tried & true" substitutes for milk and honey?
Are there any known stealth ingredients (bases or additives) that a newbie might not pick up on? I'm lactose intolerant so well used to reading labels, but might miss something
This week I did the gardener soap kit and had great results. The middle layer is goat milk, a no go for vegans. The obvious replacement is white base and with all the other yummy ingredients in the other layers, there might be little difference. But, goat milk is used in the recipe for a reason, so I'm wondering if there's something that would get similar results. I haven't tried any recipes with honey yet, but woud appreciate any tips on replacing it, too.
thanks much!