Hi Irena~ Thank you! This is a good start! I'll have a look a the link. I've been using the search option here a lot since I joined but couldnt find my answers to those questions so that's why I asked.
More questions ;^)
The gloves: I have boxes of disposable exam gloves, like the kind used in medicine. Is this the type of glove you're referring to?
I have some goggles in my tool box......LOL...they may be overkill but should do the trick. But, I'll have to chek them out first to be sure they're not scratched up....lol....no problem cause I think most stores carry them, like WalMart.
Apron: Is plastic necessary and if so, where would I find one?! I was thinking of ordering one of the heavier BBQ aprons that go over the neck and basically cover your whole front?
Scale: I'm assuming you mean a 'food' scale like used when weighing portions of food, like for dieting? I have small one. Or, am I needing something larger. I guess I need to ask what the scale is used for....lol...that would help.
Stick Blender: I remember when they came out with these years ago and the fad of instant shake making like for Protein drinks! Is this what you mean and if so, could you recommend a good brand?
Silicone spatula: I'm lost here. I have 'rubber' spatulas to use on teflon cookware, rubber spatulas to swipe the bowls inside when mixing. Is this the same thing? Is the point to keep the spatula from melting?
Pure Lye: I am currently searching for a lye supply and am checking out mentions on the list. I am really trying to avoid shipping costs tho so we will see. We do have a Hobby Lobby here and I read online that they carry soap making supplies but am not sure about the lye. Will call them tomorrow.
How do I determine that the Lye is PURE? before actually using it?
Medical claims: Healing. I'm referring to want "I" want to have in "my" soap that I am washing my hands with. I know that some plants are healing, such as aloe, or one could say, 'soothing'. I have a good stand of Comfrey so that might be an option down the road for a product that would actually be used to "heal", like a first aid product, but I am far from going that direction right now!
I have much Jewelweed that grows naturally here and I use it for an insect bite/itchy spot. It immediately soothes a sting or mosquito bite. I just run (LOL) over to wear it is growing, grab a few leaves, squish them up and rub them on the "owie" ;^) It really does work!!
I have tons of Lemon Balm growing here. I keep dividing it and planting it around my house and deck. This stuff really works great against flying insects, like mosquitos. Everyone who comes here comments on no bugs! I would like to make a lotion using my Lemon Balm or perhaps a spritz to help when working outside. I like that it is 'natural'. Currently, I just keep using my Skin So Soft.....LOLOLOL....
Sorry for 'rambling'. I have SO many ideas that I can hardly wait to put them into action!! lol
I bet you would suggest that I start making the oils out of my herbs first thing?? (essential oils) Because dont they need to 'soak' for a while;days, months.........
I'll take your advice tho and start small and without the milk, using water instead. Also, what do you use to put in the soap to make it 'gritty' to really scrub hands, like a mechanic's hand cleaner? I thought I had read somewhere about crushing nut shells? Or sand? Or perhaps poppy seed?! Cant remember :^(