I'd like to make other body products such as: Lip Balm, Bath Melts, Lotion/Massage Bars, Massage Candles, Bath Bomb/Fizzies, Bath Salts, and Sugar Scrubs.
I've googled recipes to get ideas, but I'd like to use my own recipe. Does anyone know of a standard % recipe that is good to use like that of the basic lip balm recipe from MMS
ex so much % of hard oils, so much % of liquid oils, etc
Or is there only certain oils that are better for certain products?(Hoping I am explaining myself well). Or does it depend on what effects I am wanting to achieve?
Also in the basic formulation of lip balms it says use 15% of brittle at remp temp oil-gives cocoa butter and palm kernal as example then says etc. I'm fairly confident on solid at room temp and liquid at room temp, but what other oils besides cocoa butter and palm kernal would be considered brittle at room temp.
_________________ Debbie