So I haven't been selling really... i sold a couple things to immediate family, but nothing serious. Mostly I have been playing around at home, trying to get all my products perfect & the way I want them for the last several months. This Friday I was going to go file and do all the paperwork and licensing, etc to get started. Then I got this message from my cousin. I have a FB page, and although I'm not selling yet, I'm trying to get more friends to my fb page, so my cousin reccomeneded it to a girlfriend of hers, and this was what she said back to her.
"Saw your post for your cousins businesst. A word of warning, which may or may not apply to her. I was going to do the same thing when we moved here to GA. The only thing you can do safely is soap. Once you venture into bath bombs, lotions, salts, bubble baths, tea baths, etc. you have just entered into a cosmetics catagory. If you are not licensed to do cosmetics (and it is a long list of things you have to do, mainly it can not be done out of your home) you are under strict guidelines, etc. If she gets caught without having the needed license, and what not, there is a HUGE penatly. Just to do soap, I had to carry a million dollar insurance policy. With putting this out there like she has, with being on FB and saying she is doing it out of her home, she is opening herself up to a huge lawsuit if she isn't doing it by the book. Just thought I would give you a heads up as to what I found out 2 years ago when I went to do it."
Now, I realize that cosmetics do require different labeling, and the only thing I have sold at all like that salt scrub. I was planning on doing all those other things, pretty much bath bombs, teas, salt scrubs, and then using premade bases for bubble baths lotion etc. I realize there are legal requirements and regulations different for cosmetics than soap. But has anyone heard about not being able to make bath bombs in your home? I am going to get a business license but I wonder if she meant a license to make sell/specifically cosmetics. While I do live in a different state (Mississippi) than her, I have not heard anything about that. I know the tax asessor's office, and the sec of state are who I have to register my business name, and tax stuff, and then I need a "business license" which is actually pretty cheap. I have to pay a $300 cash bond to work out of my home. I also know I need (and will get) insurance before I sell.
But Does anyone know what she is talking about?