I am a newbie and today i did my first attempt on lotion making from the brambleberry kit. After I made my lotion i started researching more on body butters. I comebined some recipes i saw online and I am so satisfied with my body butter! I usedone of brambleberry's scent that came with the lotion kit! I was successful! And here is the recipe I used:
6 oz. Shea butter 1.2 oz Olive Oil 1 oz. Corn Starch 1.2 oz Avocado Oil 1 oz Almond Oil 1 teaspoon fragrance oil
Melt Shea Butter in microwave until melted. Add all of the above ingredients. Blend all ingredients with a hand mixer, (like the ones you use for baking). Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Then mix again with hand mixer until it gets fluffy. It will reach its creamy consistency but it takes a long time. I was mixing it for more than 20 minutes, stopping in between to take a breaks coz my hand was starting to ache and tire from holding the mixer.
When light and fluffy like frosting, you can transfer in you jar or container. Before doing all of the above, make sure to sterilize your equipment. Just add a little clorox to water and dip all your necessary equipment and utensils and jars. Then rinse with tap water to get the clorox out. It is important that everything you use is sterile and clean.
As for the shelf like, i read that the above does not need preservative since it does not contain water. Hope this helps!