Hi all,
I'm having an issue and I was wondering if you could help me.
I've been making bath bombs successfully for awhile now using the same recipe. Then not too long ago, I read about the benefits of dendritric salt and how it can help keep your scent around longer. Since my husband likes a well-scented bath (oh yes, he does love the bath bombs!
), I decided to pick up some of this stuff and work it in.
For some reason, this batch came out really weird. It's like it just never got wet enough to pack, no matter how much extra liquid (in the form of witch hazel spritzes) I gave it. It just kind of stayed dry. Eventually I got them packed but then the next morning they were all cracked and when I went to pick them up, they crumbled and fell apart in my hands. They never hardened, which they normally do overnight. I tried to dampen the mixture again and re-pack, but the fizz was gone.
Here is the recipe I've been using successfully thus far. I find that this makes about 4 bath bombs, which is the amount I like to make per scent.
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup sea salt
1 1/2 tbsp carrier oil
about 3/4 tbsp water
about 1 tsp fragrance oil
witch hazel spritzer as needed
So that's the recipe I've been using with no problems. This last time I added a small amount of dendritic salt (about 2 tablespoons) with the FO mixed in, then mixed that into the batch. I understand that dendritic salt is supposed to be more absorbent, so the only thing I can think of is that maybe the salt + cornstarch together absorbed all the liquid, making me need a lot more and eventually destroying the whole mix? I'm a little unsure about cornstarch altogether. I've heard that it's softening but I've also heard that it can make the bombs more difficult to construct. I'm not sure. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on this I would REALLY appreciate it! I live in a dry climate, BTW, if that helps at all.