Hi all, I'm very very new to soap making and all that jazz. Lately I've been interested in making lotion bars because I recently discovered how amazing shea butter is. (Seriously, I've tried everything for my dry skin without success until shea butter) But I was sitting here wondering if you can add colorants to lotion bars. My concern is them rubbing off on your skin, which I would imagine could happen. Ideally I'd like to use activated charcoal or some sort of black or dark colorant, but I'm not sure how much it would bleed in a lotion bar. Anyone ever tried using colorants, particularly dark colorants with a lotion bar, or just have any advice on the subject itself? Also, is there an alternative to beeswax I could use? I prefer to avoid cocoa butter. I love it for my body, but it's not great on my face, so shea and mango would be the only butters I use.