Well, she sort of believes in preservatives.
I got there before the class actually started, so I had time to look through the little booklet that is part of the class. The first thing I see is her list of recommended oils - okay, until I got to Vitamin E oil "which is sometimes used as a preservative".
Sigh. Wonderful.
I continue to flip through the booklet, and find her list of "rules", and spy this statement: "I don't use any preservatives other than Vitamin E and citric acid occasionally".
Great. The class hasn't even started yet and I'm in trouble.
So, we got started. First we kind of went through the little booklet. "Parabens cause cancer" came up pretty early. I pointed out that parabens are in a lot of foods, including blueberries.
Yes, and it's up to each individual to decide what kinds of things you are willing to use and put in and on your body.
Um, okay.
At some point the idea of refrigerating stuff came up. I mentioned Anne-Marie's fuzzy cream. "Yes, you need to throw it out if it gets to that point."
Me, groaning inwardly: "But there can be a whole bunch of icky things in there before you can actually see anything."
Now at some point, she did mention, in passing, Germall. So I guess she's not completely anti-preservative.
We touched on Vitamin E, and I pointed out that it was NOT a preservative, but rather an antioxident. And for my classmates benefit, said that an antioxident would help keep your oils from going rancid, but it wouldn't keep assorted creepy crawlies from growing in your stuff.
"That's why you refrigerate and use within two months."
We made a clay mask. It may be really nice stuff, but I'm not about to use it. Nobody was wearing gloves, and the ick factor is just too high for my taste.
I wanted to make sure I said some of the stuff I did in the class in case there are folks in there who don't have much knowledge, and maybe won't just accept some of what is being said by the instructor as the be-all and end-all of how to do this.
The bad thing is she is a really, really nice lady. And she did say she doesn't sell. (Whew!) I don't know if I'll actually use any of the stuff we make. (We're doing lip balm next week, so I'll see how that goes.) But I'm there to see the actual physical processes involved, and will take what I can from the class and leave the rest.
And maybe I'll just smuggle in some evil parabens.
Further bulletins as events warrant.