I like making bath bombs, and have made some good concoctions so far.
In the last year, Lush released some new bath bombs, including Twilight and Fizzbanger and Dragons' Egg. These new bath bombs seem to last for ages, fizzing away, and spinning around and swirling pretty colours.
My bath bombs fizz away at a fairly normal rate- similar to most of the older bath bombs Lush make.
I'm interested in finding out how to make mine fizz slower. Knowing how to make the colours do the pretty swirl thing might be nice too- though I think that has to do with the consistency of the centre of the bath bomb, possibly being less dense than the outside, so that once it fizzes open, this makes it spin.
I know bentonite clay makes them harder. Does this also slow down the fizzing process, so it lasts longer?
Does anyone have any ideas please? Thanks.
_________________ "The question is: does it work on stage? If it works on stage, does it fit the theory? If it works on stage, but doesn't fit the theory; throw out the theory." Bertolt Brecht