Thanks, Irena, I was pretty much leaning in that direction.
I was a bit flabbergasted at what I discovered when I was researching sassafras. The FDA has labeled it a carcinogen. And the safrole, the stuff that gives sassafras its distinctive odor? THAT'S evidently one of the main ingredients in Ectasy.
So, although I can actually buy it from my regular supplier, before they will sell it to me, there is a two-page application with the DEA I'd have to fill out, which would mean a file with the DEA from that point forward. No, thank you!
Oddly enough, the DEA stuff is what put me into the anise as a substitute. I came across an account from a DEA agent who used to raid Ectasy labs. He said that when they did, the places just reeked of black licorice. I thought, "Hey, I bet I know what I can use!"
Thanks again for the information.