...straight from the mouth of The Boyfriend, who is half Japanese. He traveled to Japan many times in his youth, where he lived a pretty traditional Japanese lifestyle, courtesy of his Grandmother - determined to put the Japanese in him as much as she could every chance she got.
We just started using the castille-goat milk soap I made 8 weeks ago, scented with NG Green Tea. The Boyfriend says it is a straight up, perfect duplicate of the bath oil and soap his grandmother used in Japan; this would have been in the 1970's. In Japan, it is customary to take a shower before bathing - thats where most of the dirt comes off. You then soak in a heated bath - its more like a bath-hot tub experience. This bath water is often reused - hence the scented oil to mask the smell that the water would begin to take on after many uses.
He says using it is like a time machine - it really takes him back.
I used it at 2.8%; max use is 5%. Its holding very well. Since this batch was 100% olive oil at room temp, even with goat's milk took forever to trace. No telling what it will do in a faster tracing recipe.