Wow, talk about STRONG. This is the strongest FO I have used thus far. I did not use this alone, but it is so dominant I'm going to add my thoughts on the Cherry* alone. The blend I used (all NG):
Cherry 9 grams (20%) Almond 17 grams (40% - have used this alone and it sticks pretty well) Coconut 17 grams (40% - has a reputation for fading per reviews)
But the Cherry is very much the dominant scent - at less than 1% of the oils, its strong - you could stretch this FO pretty far alone, or in a blend. My house smelled like a huge vat of cherry cough syrup exploded all over the place - from a mere 9 grams! It works for what I am looking for, but be advised its not a fresh "fruity" cherry, but very much a "cough syrup, lollipop or Cherry Life Saver" smell.
Did not accelerate trace.
*This is the plain old "Cherry" FO - not the Black Cherry, or any other cherry type.