Hello everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great day (or evening)!!
Ok, I haven't made soap or anything else for that matter in over a year (seems like a lifetime!), I became pregnant and any type of smell was not my friend!! Anyway, right before I wasn't able to make anything, I had a semi-big order from BB and decided to take the plunge and gander into my box to see what it was I had ordered!! the FO's that I ordered were Toasted Rice, BerryWine, and Musk Cybilla. Has anyone ever used these, and if so, anyone have any suggestions on what they are best for, or prefer? I feel like I have been out of the loop so long, it's like I lost my mojo!! I also purchased some opalescent star glitter, iridescent pink glitter and I do not remember what my intentions were with that!! Lol!! Thanks.