Is it helpful to review EOs? Its not the same as FOs, which are all different and proprietary. Delete this if inappropriate.
When I started making soap I did my research on the different vendors like most of you did. Right away, the "sticker shock" of EOs put me off - maybe some day when I have more $$$ but...
Glory Bee (Eugene, OR) had some of the most reasonable EO prices (FOs a little high) at least months ago when I was researching. Maybe it has changed, I don't know...but I put that in the back of my mind for the future - and decided to splurge on scenting a batch with "real" as opposed to "interpreted" scent while in Eugene.
But - if you use EOs regularly - maybe you want to compare?
Anyway - I am thrilled so far with how this batch came out. Great scent at 4% - I am telling my short list of soap recipients to look forward to recieving a "Limited Edition" EO scented soap!
Lime + Lemongrass = Fabulous!