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Teach Soap • View topic - Selling soap ... venting

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 Post subject: Selling soap ... venting
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:54 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 8:59 pm
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ARGH! Why can't people understand that I can't just start hawking my soap any old time/place/way they see fit?

I know people don't really understand that soap is a cosmetic and there are laws around how to sell it and all that ... but my family is driving me nuts with this. I have to keep explaining that NO (and not even for a charitable cause), I cannot sell my soap until I have a proper business set up to do so (insurance, biz license, labelling, etc etc). I'm in Canada and it's no small mountain to climb to soap as a business.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent. I know it's a compliment and very sweet when people get excited about my soap ... but geez! Biz is biz and I'm still doing this as a hobby. Quite intentionally. I want to learn and develop my craft FIRST. One thing at a time.

Anyone else go through this?

Kay, I feel better :D


I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:50 pm 
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I would tell them to help pay your fees and help out with the paperwork if they want you to sell any sooner. Good luck!

Closed minds are like faulty parachutes; they refuse to open.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:12 pm 
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HA! You pretty much reiterated the exact email I just sent to someone in my family who wants me to sell soap at a farmer's market to raise money for a cause.

I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:35 pm 

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Don't feel overwhelmed. It’s not that difficult. A business can be set up online (at least in Ontario), easy peasy. They will send you a licence through e-mail, and then a hard copy via regular mail. Insurance is available through the Cooperatives in Canada, I do believe there is now a Canadian Guild. Soap recipes should be sent to Health Canada for review, shouldn't take you more than a hour to fill out the forms. Labelling, don't stress yourself out at the start, just use avery labels from Staples, in the meantime.

I say, JUMP in the water is fine The market is so underserved in Canada for handmade soap.

I take it you have a recipe your family loves and its been tested on both you and them.

And even better if you can raise money for a charity, when we opened our first store recently, we raised over $5,000 for our local Children’s Aid Society in one night.


PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:42 pm 
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Aaw, thanks for the encouragement Margo!

I guess I should have given a little more background on my situation ... but I recently took a hiatus from my "other life" which was as biz owner of an online marketing/consulting/copywriting firm. I was just burned out. Then I found soap :)

I've really researched the biz side of soaping and a few have told me it's not as difficult as the gov't guidelines would have us believe. Sounds like you are saying this too which is nice to hear. I'm super familiar with the process of running and marketing a biz but the soaping side of the rules/regs is a little intimidating.

But you ARE right ... the market does seem underserved here doesn't it?

I only just started making soap in June but have made quite a bit in a short amount of time. Fast learning curve! So by no means am I a superstar yet. But people seem to think I have a knack for it (okay, my husband). I'm still experimenting with all variations of recipes and what not. Fun! Okay, a little frustrating too but mostly fun!

(PS: I'm in Alberta ...just in case you're curious.)

Nice to meet you as well :) I don't think we've chatted on the forum yet.

I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:32 pm 

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I am thinking your “other life” might serve you well in your new soap making endeavours.

Yes!!! I truly believe the Canadian market is underserved!!! Cant say so for the US market, maybe some one else can chime in on that market?

By no means, I am a “superstar” of soapmaking. The forum moderators here are. I just have a knack for selling soap, both online and through my storefront. So if I can do it, here in Canada, so can you!!!

And I can support a family of four (single Mom) with MP!!! That’s why I like this forum so much.

We do sell CP soaps, but its not our focus. But I am cheering for you for you from Ontario.

Good Luck!!! You can do it!!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:39 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:22 pm
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HI Karri! Hang in there , girl!!

I'm in Alberta, too - beautiful sunny Calgary! And the soap biz is rockin along down here!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:54 pm 
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Wow. A family of 4 on soaping? Love it Margo! That's incredible!

Thanks @Kat2011 and how wonderful to meet a soaper who's only a couple hours away! How long have you been at the addiction...erm, I mean soaping biz?


I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:21 am 

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HI Karri,

I've been making soap since I was 12 or so, with my grandmother, but am now developing my own recipes as an addition to my beeswax candle company. It was a lot easier when Grandma just told me what to do and when to pour! lol

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:59 am 
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Closed minds are like faulty parachutes; they refuse to open.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:13 pm 
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@Kat2011 & @Irena ... what wonderful memories to have! Making soap with your grandmas!!

I'm "first generation." LOL.


I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:43 pm 
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I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they sure have some great ideas!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:53 pm 
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That's a very cool mother in law for sure ;-)

I never get tired of hearing my 3yo son tell me "you're a good soapmaker Mom!" (usually while I'm muttering to myself during cutting because I got partial gel or something...lol). But both my boys all around share in my soap joys and sorrows!

There's something about it though that definitely creates a bond between people isn't there?


I soap therefore I am.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:31 am 
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I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they sure have some great ideas!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:06 am 
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I tend to agree re partial gel. It's actually what makes me CRAZIEST about soaping.

With that said, I think I'd better make a post re the castile I made the other day... what a drama (but worth the effort!!).

And yeah, our guest room has been overtaken by curing soaps. I'd better start thinking about how to sell by next year or the house is going to start looking like a soap factory!!


I soap therefore I am.

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