i actually put my bases under the oils seciton. i labeld them GLYCERIN - ALOE, and so on and so forth. i set it up this way as the bases are the main ingredients, much like the oils, lards and lye are the main ingreadients in CP soap. the additives are things like micas, herbs, FOs and EOs. i labled them MICA - MERLOT SPARKLE , or FO - VANILLA SELECT or EO - LAVENDER, HUNGARIAN.
you can pretty much set it up how you see fit, but the the ingredients go under the menu item "ingredients" in soapmaker. once you have all of your ingredients input into the program, it takes inventory of it and you can see it on your "soap shelf". this will help you with inventory.
its really a kewl little program. i use it regularly. i hope i answered your question...