Buy 3 soaps, get one free
Buy 2 lotions, get one free
Buy 4 lip potions, get one free
~~~put your free item, in choice of scent, in message to buyer box~~~
Couldn't wait to put up our giveaway raffle! Everyone who places an order will have their name placed in a bowl; our son, Chazz, will pick out a name. The person picked will get a surprise box full of KRF goodies! Soaps, lotions, maybe some lip balms-who knows what will be in the box?! If you order twice (say you order one soap, then decide to make another order for lotion) you get 2 chances. Drawing will be held Sunday, February 15, 2009. Prize worth at least $20.
Teachsoap forumites will get a cool freebie if they mention their forum name!!