Sorry I haven't been active on the forums lately! I didn't mean to not be around! Between visiting Phil and planning the move I'm having to shift my schedule around!
Honestly I'm not in the best of spirits lately. I'm having a rough time lately with people. I've been on the receiving end of several nasty comments and YouTube videos as of late and it's not really helping me out. My soap blog, completely unrelated to my job, has been flooded with death threats and insults telling me I'm a whore and a gold digger and that I should get cancer. It's not been a good week.
I don't know how active I'll be on the forums lately with all that's happening but I'll try to keep up to speed. I was originally thinking of creating a YouTube channel for my soon to be soap business in the next few months but now I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to scrap that plan. I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty upset about that.
Like I said though I'll try to stay active but I'm not going to be on all the time right now.
The Black Currant- Shipping within the US!
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http://www.theblackcurrantshop.wordpress.comAlso on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube!