Hi everyone! I was at my first large craft show this weekend. I learned a lot. Like how much more I need to decorate my booth than for farmers markets and how important it is to have good lighting! The best part of this craft show was how friendly everyone was - organizers/volunteers, vendors, and customers. One of two other soap makers in the show was new to making soap. She came to my booth to say "Hi!" and ask for any tips. I went by her booth and tried to help as much as I could. She was very nice and we enjoyed talking soap. (LOL since when did I become an expert???) True, she did all M&P and I only brought CP. Another local soap maker (not in the show) came by to talk with me and we plan on getting a group together. (I'm really excited about this!)
Anyway, the third soap maker in the show (not local) did all M&P as well and had been doing the show for years. His soaps looked very nice as did his display. I planned on buying a bar at the end of the show. The second day of the 3-day show, several of his customers came by my booth (not all at once) to tell me why glycerin soap is so much better than lye soap. At first I tried to explain that it was also made with lye but they didn't listen. They didn't want to look at my soaps either. One told me my CP soap would force her to scrub down her shower and she is too old to do that anymore so she uses glycerin soap. He had told her that and to stay away from Shea butter. (
Does Shea butter cause more soap scum??? I hadn't heard or noticed this.) They ignored the benefits of using handcrafted CP soap that I tried to tell them about. All these people included the same line, "Glycerin soaps last a long time too." (His soaps were very large so people cut them in half to use them.) I'm sorry to say I finally got annoyed that they were searching me out to tell me why my soaps weren't as good when they didn't even look at them!
I told them that very artistic things can be done with glycerin soap that you can't do with CP but the trade-off is that I control all the ingredients going into my soap. Not long after that, no more of these people came by. I'm sorry to have let that annoy me but I never said anything bad about his soaps to anyone. It really bothered me. That was the one bad thing that marred the show but it was otherwise great. Do most large shows involve soap makers trashing each other? My husband says I'm naïve to think people don't do this kind of thing in business but that depresses me. Thank goodness most people are not like that.
Sorry for the rant! It really was a good craft faire.