Hi everybody,
I just got my very first BB order in which included the 5 OOPS molds, several other misc molds, a 3D frog mold, soap on a rope, brown & green chrome colored pigments, tangerine wow colorant, Fir Needle EO, 10X Orange, palm oil, shea and cocoa butter, 1 lb hemp melt & pour soap and 1 lb honey MP soap All for just over a hundred bucks delivered to my door!! So anyway today I made a 50 ounce loaf of Green Fir Needle scented soap and although it is still in the mold for now, it looks and smells so very awesome!!! It's gonna be a great Christmas soap..... hopefully I'll start posting some pics up here soon of my soap work. I'm new and only been doing this a month or so. I used to work in a chemistry lab up until 2008 and then decided to become self employed so I try to put in just enough work to keep the bills paid and after that it is all family and hobby time. I've gotten too old for gymnastics because i keep getting injuries so first I got a keyboard last year and learned to play that (I cheated and used Scott Houstons' lead sheet method, which is super easy). That being done, I was missing chemistry and started teaching my 7 year old god-daughter Selena in my home lab and somehow we ended up reading an old chemistry book that showed how to render fat and make your own soap, including making your own lye...... SO HERE WE ARE !!! Of course Selena is not allowed to be around any operations involving lye for obvious safety reasons. Being a chemist doesn't always mean you're smart, I had not done a whole lot of Organic before other than lead testing of kids toys and a few other things, so saponification was a new learning experience for me. And the best part is, it's easy and fun at the same time ! Hoping to learn alot from the people here. In fact, I've already started a cosmetics business and selling like hotcakes to people i know so far. Note to Anne-Marie: I did not find 2 inch round slip cover tins on BB so i ordered them from a wholesaler but i think there are alot of people wanting only 10 or so meaning you could buy them as low as .32 each from the wholesaler there in Washington and sell them in packs of 10 for $10 i'm sure..... anyway everyone have a happy upcoming holiday season