Bubbles2 beat me to it.

I had the same question and I checked that thread and borrowed a few questions and also came up with my own. Here they are if you want to borrow them:
1. How did the soap make your skin feel? (greasy, dry, soft, etc)
2. How long did the bar last?
3. How well did it lather, on a scale of 1-10(with 1 being not at all and 10 being big and fluffy)?
4. Did it rinse off well?
5. How about the fragrance? Too much? Too Little? (scale of 1-10, 1 being too little and 10 being too much)
6. How much would you be willing to pay for a 4oz bar of all natural soap?
7. Would you being willing to tell others about my business?
8. What other “flavors”/ fragrances and colors would you like to see?
9. What kind of packaging would you find appealing?
10. Adjectives describing the soap(possibly for naming)
11. Business Name ideas:
12. Any other comments:
I am asking a few of the questions because I am just starting out and haven't charged any money yet. My goal of course is to start a business-hence the next question.