Linda, I really liked the cedar and saffron, I just made it a bit better, Lol. Actually I would have liked it fine, I just cant stand to not blend something!

It turned out different than what I expected, I used way too much charcoal and not nearly enough of the orange, so It is mostly black and dark green, with some bars having nice highlights of the orange, but most of them not! It rather looks like camo, so it may be a hit with men or as a mans gift! I have to look at the bright side!
Last night I made an eo blend of mine that I call "flowering grapefruit". It is a proprietary blend of 5 eo's. I colored with maddar root and a mix of maddar and red clay and the batch color, with itp swirl. I used my new silicone heart and bar molds.
I also soaped a relaxation blend of eo's with blueberry fibers, anatto seeds, and a lighter concentration of annato seed infusion for coloring. That one is a log mold. I poured the blue up the middle of it and did a variation of the mantra swirl with it, then added another layer of solid color and poured just a very small amount of blueberry up the middle and swirled it around, but didnt go down into the batter at all. I was hoping for a small, solid color layer, but I have pulled the liner from the sides and I dont think I achieved my goals! Lol
I KNEW I should not have drunk that wine, I should have left more for the soap fairies! Lol. Pictures later on the pic thread!